Our Symbol |

around an open Bible. This signifies that the principles of the bible are the
exclusive principles which form the FOUNDATION of
The shield pictures "the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to
quench all the fiery darts of the wicked" (Ephesians 6:16). On the left of
the shield, the darkness is seen encroaching; on the right of the shield, the
light is controlling. Down the center of the shield is a sword, representing
sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God" (Ephesians 6:17). It is the
Spirit’s "Sword" of "the Word of God" which pierces and
divides between the light and the darkness.
And so, amid the "TODAY" of a busy, hell-bound world,
there stands, as in the days of old "THE BIBLE!" It is this BIBLE which
ever endures; and it is this BIBLE which must ever be the "critic"
(Hebrews 4:12) or "judge" of what is genuine "darkness" and
what is genuine "light." (Ephesians 5:11) |
History of The Bible For Today |
In February, 1965, while a Pastor in
Newton, Massachusetts, Rev Dr. D. A. Waite felt led of the Lord to begin THE
BIBLE FOR TODAY which, at that time, consisted of a radio broadcast
heard several times each week over WRIB, Providence, Rhode Island, and, for a
while also, on WSOL, Tampa, Florida. On April 11, 1966, THE BIBLE FOR
TODAY was duly incorporated as a nonprofit, tax exempt, religious
organization under the laws of the State of New Jersey. Although somewhat less
active in the intervening years, on April 1, 1971, THE BIBLE FOR TODAY,
Incorporated, again began an active ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ in an
expanded and enlarged way.
Purposes of The Bible For Today |
In the "Certificate of
Incorporation," some of the purposes of THE BIBLE FOR TODAY
1. "To produce, tape, distribute, and otherwise deal with
a radio religious broadcast maintained in the interest of promoting the
principles of Biblical Christianity."
2. "To apply Biblical Christian principles to the current
problems of local, state, national, or international interests."
3. "To acquire, print, publish, and distribute to the
broadcast listeners and friends, literature and materials which promote the
principles of Biblical Christianity, and which apply these biblical principles to
current problems."
These purposes are broad ones. As the Lord provides the funds,
the opportunities, the wisdom, and the personnel, THE BIBLE FOR TODAY
intends to make use of each and every one of these purposes for the glory of the
Lord Jesus Christ and for the defense and proclamation of His infallible,
inerrant Bible!
Doctrinal Position of The Bible For
Today |
BIBLE FOR TODAY are available by clicking on the link below. We are a
Bible-believing, Fundamentalist, Separatist, Baptist organization as can be seen
in this twenty-page document.
The Bible For Today Articles of Faith
Tax Deductibility of Gifts To The
Bible For Today |
In a letter dated September 12, 1966,
from the U. S. Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Service, District Director,
Newark, New Jersey, to THE BIBLE FOR TODAY, the federal
government officially informed us : ". . . we have concluded that you are
exempt form Federal income tax as an organization described in Section 501(c)-(3)
of the Internal Revenue Code.... Contributions made to you are DEDUCTIBLE BY
DONORS as provided in section 170 of the Code. bequests, legacies, devises,
transfers, or gifts to or for your use are DEDUCTIBLE FOR FEDERAL ESTATE AND GIFT
TAX PURPOSES under the provisions of section 2055, 2106 and 2522 of the Code....
This is a determination letter."
THE BIBLE FOR TODAY is listed in the 600-page
170(c)" dated December 31, 1968, on page 62, and in subsequent editions of
this government document. All contributions to THE BIBLE FOR TODAY
are acknowledged by a numbered receipt.