BFT UPDATE/AUGUST 2008 900 Park Avenue/Collingswood, New Jersey 08108 E-MAIL: BibleForToday.org/ WEB PAGE: www.BibleForToday.org Phones: 856-854-4452, order-phone only: 1-800-John 10:9 ~~~~~ PHONE FOR QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS DURING SUNDAY AND THURSDAY BIBLE CLASSES DR. WAITE=S CELL PHONE: 856-261-9018 FOR QUESTIONS & DISCUSSION DURING THEOLOGY CLASS DANIEL WAITE=S CELL PHONE: 856-816-7839
JUST CAME IN FROM THE YARD. IT IS HOT OUT THERE! We are in the middle of a heat wave. It=s been in the high nineties for several days. Old people are supposed to stay out of the heat. So what was I doing out there? I was watering some hydrangeas. They were all wizened up. It took me a couple of days to realize their plight. Somehow I thought the lawn sprinklers would reach them. So last night I bent over the front hedge with my yellow watering can. I poured the cool liquid on the roots of my blue and purple flowers. They must have appreciated it! This morning it was my turn to rejoice! The blooms were back--big and beautiful--like they are supposed to be. It just took a little bit of water to give them life again. JESUS OFFERS THE WATER OF LIFE TO ANY WHO DRINK IMMEDIATELY I THOUGHT OF MY SAVIOUR, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. He gives the water of life to those who want it. And he doesn=t need a yellow watering can. We read in Revelation 22:17, how Jesus said AAnd the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosever will, let him take the water of life freely.@ We, who are familiar with the earthly ministry of Jesus, know of His conversation with the woman at the well in John 4. He told her that if she drank of His water, she would never thirst again (John 4:14). Of course, He was referring to spiritual water--that living water that comes when one receives Jesus Christ as personal Saviour. I REMEMBER WHEN I DRANK OF THAT WATER. I was a little girl of nine or ten. It was in LaGrange, Ohio. The gospel was made plain to me how that Christ died for my sin, that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day. All this was for me. All this was according to the Scriptures (I Corinthians 15:3-4). And I believed it and accepted it. THAT IF THOU SHALT CONFESS----THOU SHALT BE SAVED IT WAS MY MOTHER WHO INTRODUCED ME TO THE SAVIOUR. I realized that I was a sinner. Even though I was a good girl, but was a sinner. She explained that my sin was inherited (so to speak) from Adam and Eve way back when they disobeyed God (Romans 5:12). Theologians call it Ainitial@ sin; or they teach that Adam is the Aseminal head@ of the human race. That is why Jesus had to be virgin born so Adam=s sin would not be passed on to Jesus= earthly person. It was because of Adam that Aall have sinned and come short of the glory of God @ (Romans 3:23). That=s how you became a sinner, too. She explained that Jesus took my sin at Calvary, so I would not have to pay the penalty for that sin. If I trusted in Jesus Christ, I would not have to go to Hell. I do not remember much about the conversation but she used a beautiful Scripture to bring me to Himself. It was Romans 10:9-10. AThat if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.@ In later years, I have heard people say that Jesus does not come into a person=s heart--that beating organ of the body that keeps us alive. I understand that; but how do those theologians explain this verse about believing in thine Aheart@ and Awith the heart man believeth unto righteousness@? Where does a person receive Jesus (John 1:12)? A person receives Jesus in his innermost being, his person, his very Ayou@--or as my mother called it Ayour inside-you@! How better to explain the way to salvation than the way the Apostle Paul did in Romans 10:9-10 those many years ago? Just asking! FREE FANS, AIR COOLERS, AND TEXAS HEAT! THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA IS GIVING AWAY ELECTRIC FANS TO SENIOR CITIZENS who don= t have air conditioners. I wonder what they gave away before the invention of such cool comfort. Maybe ice! Or funeral parlor fans! I remember life before air-conditioning--central air or widow units. We sipped cool lemonade on the front porch. When we were first married we lived in a twenty-six foot metal trailer in Dallas, Texas. It was a light green. It was called THE VAGABOND. My husband was in seminary then. We had no bathroom or drainage system. The water from the kitchen sink just fell to the ground. We walked over to the wash house for bathrooms, showers, and stationary tubs to scrub our baby= s dirty diapers. No air conditioning--just water coolers in our trailer front window! I remember this very well. It was July of 1949. I was soon to give birth to our first-born son. I did all our work before nine in the morning for it was so hot--Texas hot! Then I sat in front of the air water cooler until the sun set! That was the last month before our baby was born. Before that, I worked in the seminary library. I remember when Dr. Evans (a teacher there and brother-in-law to Dr. Walvoord) asked me for TRENCH! I didn= t have the faintest idea what he was talking about. Turned out that Trench was a man who wrote on Greek synonyms. Up to that time, I thought it was a ditch! You can be sure I knew that name from then on! DR WAITE IN OAK CREEK, WISCONSIN SPEAKING & PRESIDING AT THE DBS ANNUAL MEETING: JULY/2008 I SHOULD TALK ABOUT SOMETHING OF IMPORTANCE! Guess I=ll tell you about THE DEAN BURGON SOCIETY=S THIRTIETH-YEAR GATHERING IN OAK CREEK, WISCONSIN. The dates were July 9-10, 2008. Well, Dr. Waite and I were there early on July 5th. My husband preached at the FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH=s Sunday meetings. PASTOR DAVID BROWN was our host--the Sunday church and the DBS Wednesday and Thursday. Also we really enjoyed the fellowship with Pastor & Mrs. David Brown in their home on Saturday night and again on Tuesday. In case you didn=t know, she is a good cook. But best of all, for me, is the fellowship. A young father told me what a blessing my ADavid@ letter was to him. He said a college friend=s example (like our son=s) was instrumental in bringing him to Christ. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH is on 10550 South Avenue in Oak Creek. The church phone is 414-762-7575. Pastor Brown has a marvelous collection of old Bibles and coins, etc. You may be able to see them. Every time I got down to the library to view the historic collection during the DBS lunch hour, the door had closed. Guess I did too much visiting in the dining area. TWENTY-THREE SPEAKERS AT DBS ORDER TODAY BFT #3364/DV1-3 3 DVD=S @ $30.00 + $5.00 S&H SEE & HEAR BOB BARNETT, H. D. WILLIAMS, DAVID BROWN, DAVID BENNETT, KIRK DiVIETRO, DAVID SORENSON, JACK MOORMAN, BILL DARROW, DON JASMIN, RALPH BROWN, JAMES GRUMBLATT, DARRELL SUTTON, PAUL REED, PHIL STRINGER, STEPHEN ZEINNER, J. PAUL RENO, ROB WINOGRAD, DANIEL WAITE, KEN RAINEY, CARLOS DONATE, EMANUEL RODRIGUEZ, MARK RENO , D. A. WAITE, SR. MICHIGAN, GEORGIA, WISCONSIN, AUSTRALIA, MASSACHUSETTS, MINNESOTA, UNITED KINGDOM, INDIANA, NEBRASKA, ILLINOIS, FLORIDA/OHIO, MARYLAND, NEW JERSEY, SOUTH CAROLINA, BRAZIL, GUATEMALA, PORTA RICO, & PENNSYLVANIA REPRESENTED!! DR. WAITE MODERATED EACH SESSION MY HUSBAND, THE DBS PRESIDENT, WAS THE MODERATOR OF EACH SESSION. It was his thirtieth year as DBS President. The speakers have to stay in their time frame. I have learned how to do this fairly well myself since having my fifteen-minute-radio program, Just For Women . I am always surprised how much I can say in one minute, if I put my mind to it. My mother used to say that many of her pastors talked away their time with unimportant trivia that had nothing to do with their message. Not all pastors are that way but many are. It is a shame. Maybe they don= t have anything to say! BARNETT & WILLIAMS SPOKE FIRST PASTOR BARNETT OF MICHIGAN OPENED THE CONFERENCE WITH A BASICS OF BIBLE DEFEN SE.@ He always gives the first message as he is one of the DBS vice-presidents. We have come to count on his words on the subject. THEN DR. H. D. WILLIAMS OF GEORGIA SPOKE ON A WYCLIFFE CONTROVERSIES@ WITH A POWER-POINT PRESENTATION. He, too, is a second vice-president. Dr. Williams studied all year on the subject of John Wycliffe= s dedication to the Words of God. Remember he was a Scripture translator. If I am not mistaken, he translated from the Latin. Afterwards, Dr. Williams (who is a medical doctor) told us about the opportunities for the DBS men to do PRINTING ON DEMAND. It is a marvelous opportunity for authors to get their writings in print without spending a fortune. I wonder how many of the DBS men will take advantage of it. Probably as many as print books now. What do you think? These messages can be viewed on WWWW.BIBLEFORTODAY.ORG and on WWW.DEANBURGONSOCIETY.ORG. BROWN, BENNETT, & DiVIETRO WERE THERE PASTOR DAVID BROWN, OUR HOST, SPOKE ON A WHY BATTLE OVER BIBLE VERSIONS?@ -excellent! He has a wealth of travel experience to enrich his messages. Recently returned from Ephesus with David Cloud. MISSIONARY DAVID BENNETT FROM AUSTRALIA SENT A DVD. Something went wrong with the presentation on A REVIEW OF REVISION REVISED.@ You can hear and see it on the DVD without any garbled words that we experienced in Oak Creek--or you can hear it on the Internet. (www.BibleForToday.org) . DR. KIRK DIVIETRO FROM MASSACHUSETTS SPOKE ON A HERETIC FATIGUE.@ He researched the Gospel of Mark for heretic omissions. It was most interesting. He experienced some computer glitches, but corrected them. MOORMAN & SORENSON SOUND FORTH MISSIONARY JACK MOORMAN FROM ENGLAND SENT A DVD. WE NEARLY GOT THROUGH THE WHOLE SERMON--ANOTHER COMPUTER PROBLEM WITH GARBLING. Take heart: YOU CAN ORDER his message from us to hear it all on the DBS DVD, or click on the Internet (www.BibleForToday.org. ) A second copy should come from England soon. I don=t know what happened this year but a few speakers had some computer failures that had to be corrected. DR. MOORMAN= S TOPIC WAS A HOW LONG DID KING SAUL REIGN?@ THE LAST SPEAKER, BEFORE THE EVENING MEAL, WAS DR. DAVID SORENSON FROM MINNESOTA. He spoke on A BIBLE INSPIRATION AND PRESERVATION.@ He is always good, as you know, and brings much to the pulpit as he teaches. PASTOR DARROW & EDITOR JASMIN REPORT It may seem to you that the messages were all mixed up with the computer problems, but that is not so. As soon as the problems were corrected, the men spoke with authority and held our interest. (We never had such a time before.) Could it be the work of the Prince of the Power of the Air? BILL DARROW IS THE ASSISTANT PASTOR OF FIRST BAPTIST THERE IN OAK CREEK. HE GAVE AN INTERESTING VIEW OF A THE APOSTLE= S DOCTRINE.@ Before there was a New Testament in writing, there was the apostles= doctrine. (You may view all these messages on www.BibleForToday.org or DeanBurgonSociety.org) CLOSING THE FIRST DAY WAS DON JASMIN. He and his wife drove their travel trailer over from Michigan. (Did you know that Dr. Waite is a graduate of the University of Michigan?) With gas so expensive, it was a trip of faith for the Jasmins--that= s for sure. HE SPOKE ON A BIBLE BENDERS,/BIBLE MENDERS, & BIBLE /DEFENDERS.@ As usual, he was excellent. He has a new book out called WHY DO FUNDAMENTAL SCHOOLS GO APOSTATE? You can order it from him. (Call him 989-873-4778!) THAT WAS THE END OF THE FIRST DAY. PASTOR RALPH BROWN AND BIBLE TEACHER GRUMBLATT PASTOR RALPH BROWN FROM MILWAUKEE WAS THE FIRST THURSDAY SPEAKER. HE CHOSE A THE POWER OF BIBLE PRESERVATION@ AS HIS TOPIC, but he changed his subject at the last minute. Several years ago Dr. Waite spoke in his church and I tagged along. It always brings joy to my heart to remember being there. Then, after that, BIBLE TEACHER JAMES GRUMBLATT FROM MICHIGAN SPOKE ON A STRANGE FIRE.@ He always brings good insight into his teaching. You must hear it. (SOON THESE TALKS MAY BE VIEWED ON www.BIBLEFORTODAY.ORG or the DBS site. ) PASTOR DARRELL SUTTON DECLARED PASTOR DARRELL SUTTON WAS MOST INTERESTING! IF YOU DON= T GET ANY OTHER MESSAGE, GET HIS. I WAS IMPRESSED. He was trained by the military a few years ago and was chosen to learn ARABIC and HEBREW. And learn it, he did! HE DEFENDED A THE VAN DYKE ARABIC BIBLE.@ This would be the Bible that Muslims would be able to read in their own language. Before he began his excellent message--no computers--just teaching, he spoke briefly in Arabic to any Arabic speaking people around the world who may be listening to our DBS/BFT WORLD-WIDE STREAMING that DANIEL WAITE makes possible. Pastor Sutton was reared in East Cleveland and is presently pastoring in Nebraska. It was a joy! (VIEW THESE TALKS ON www.BibleForToday.org or www.DeanBurgonSociety.org) PAUL REED & PHIL STRINGER SPOKE OUT BECAUSE DR. CLINTON BRANINE WAS ILL AND COULD NOT ATTEND, AT THE LAST MINUTE THE ACTING PRESIDENT OF INDIANA BAPTIST COLLEGE SPOKE ON BURGON= S SEVEN TESTS OF TRUTH. His name is PAUL REED. He is a young man with a pleasant voice and personality. He told us about his family and their quest for the best texts. AFTER LUNCH ON THURSDAY, DR. PHIL STINGER FROM CHICAGO SPOKE ON A THE TR FOR THE WHOLE WORLD.@ (By the way, the food was excellent at First Baptist--very professionally presented and tasty. Their kitchen is beautiful!) Pastor Stringer was excellent, too, as usual. He has a burden for proper Bible translation. (See www/BibleForToday.org for viewing and or www.DeanBurgonSociety.org.) HE HAS INVITED THE DBS TO HIS CHICAGO CHURCH NEXT YEAR. ZEINNER with BEARING PRECIOUS SEED GLOBAL DR. STEPHEN ZEINNER FROM FLORIDA & OHIO IS NEW TO THE DBS SOCIETY. He is with BEARING PRECIOUS SEED GLOBAL. Our Bible For Today Baptist Church HAS JUST TAKEN HIM ON AS A MISSIONARY. He was with us at the Regional DBS meeting in Chicago last year. (To tell you the truth, all these meetings wear me out. You= ve heard me say that before!) DR. ZEINNER SPOKE ON A FOREIGN BIBLE TRANSLATIONS--RIGHT TRACK!@ You can view Dr. Zeinner= s message on www.BibleForToday.org or www.BibleForToday.org! PASTOR RENO CHALLENGED TO TRANSLATE SCRIPTURES FOR THE AMERICAN INDIANS PASTOR PAUL RENO REALLY CHALLENGED ALL OF US WHEN HE SPOKE ON A AMERICAN INDIANS= BIBLES.@ He put us to shame when we realized that very few American nationals (Indians) have much of anything of the Words of God translated into their mother-tongues. Here we go all over the world translating the Greek and Hebrew into Scripture, and right here in the USA are tribes of people who have nothing! (See and hear Pastor Reno=s talk on www.BibleForToday.org or on www.DeanBurgonSociety.org!) WINOGRAD & DANIEL WAITE PRESENTED TRUTH ROB WINOGRAD IS A NEW CHRISTIAN OF ONLY A FEW YEARS. HE HAS COME TO THE CONVICTION THAT THE KING JAMES BIBLE IS THE BEST BIBLE BECAUSE OF ITS UNDERLYING TEXTS. It was the only Bible his grandmother used. So when his life was changed by Christ, he sought out the kind of Bible he was used to seeing her read. By the way, she got saved at eighty-five! ROB SPOKE ON A COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.@ I think that it means saying something in one breath that contradicts itself with the next. You= ll have to get this DVD or audio tape and be blessed. DANIEL WAITE, OUR SON AND ASSISTANT HERE in THE BIBLE FOR TODAY, makes all this A live streaming@ possible. HE GAVE A VIDEO PRESENTATION CALLED A SPANNING THE CENTURIES.@ It was interesting to see snatches of former speeches given by past DBS speakers--especially to view some of our former members who have gone on to be A with the Lord.@ (View these presentations on www.BibleForToday.org or www.DeanBurgonSociety.org! ) PASTOR KEN RAINEY & CARLOS DONATE REMEMBER PASTOR RAINEY IS A FAVORITE WITH MANY. He spoke on A THE COST OF THE TRUTH.@ He reviewed his experience with those connected to Bob Jones University who used to attend his church in Greenville, South Carolina. That was before Dr. Waite was invited to speak there. I= m sure you remember that experience. Pastor Rainey is standing strong for the KJB and its underlying Words, but he still has people who try to pry his church folk away from his church. CARLOS DONATE COULD NOT BE WITH US IN PERSON BUT MISSIONARY MANNY RODRIGUEZ READ HIS PAPER WHICH WAS TITLED A WHY I USE THE SPANISH RVG@ (Reno Valera/Gomez version) (Click on our websites!) MARK RENO & DR. D. A. WAITE GIVE FACTS MARK RENO IS ONE OF OUR YOUNGER MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. HE ALWAYS GIVES A WELL-THOUGHT-THROUGH PAPER. This year was no different. His subject was A A > LITTLE= DIFFERENCE?@ Then the last speaker was my husband and the president of the Dean Burgon Society, DR. D. A. WAITE. I wish you could have been there to support him and learn about his subject, AGNOSTIC HERESIES IN BIBLE VERSIONS.@ He first gave this message when we were in Mexico to the Preachers Conference down there last January--I think it was. He gave it another time this summer to a group of Chinese Christians meeting in Pennsylvania. Gnosticism is a problem in any language and in any version based on the wrong texts. When he finished his talk, he spoke off-the-cuff to us. Personally I think that was best. He, too, had some computer problems. We sang a lot of songs while that was being corrected. But as I told you, you will not see those glitches on the DVD= s when you order them, or view them on our Internet sites (www.BibleForToday.org or www.DeanBurgonSociety.org) . GOD BE WITH YOU >TIL WE MEET AGAIN AT THE CLOSE OF THE LAST MESSAGE, WHEN ALL THE SESSIONS WERE OVER, ALL OF US STOOD IN A LARGE CIRCLE, HOLDING HANDS AND SINGING AGOD BE WITH YOU >TIL WE MEET AGAIN.@ We do this every year and every year it is very moving. Couldn=t help but remember those who used to stand in our circle who have passed on to The Better Land--as Fanny Crosby called Heaven. How well I know about Asudden death@--as our second-born son died recently without warning. That=s why we should never to go sleep mad at anybody, and why we should have short accounts with God, to say nothing of being-born again as Jesus said we must be. (John 3:3; 3:7) THE DBS WOMEN SPEAK TAMARA WAITE & ELINOR GORTON GAVE TESTIMONIES BE SURE TO ORDER THE DVD OR AUDIO TAPE BFT #3364/DV3 @ $15.00 + $4.00 S&H NO REPORT OF THE 2008 DEAN BURGON MEETING WOULD BE COMPLETE WITHOUT TELLING YOU OF OUR WONDERFUL WOMEN= S MEETING WEDNESDAY MORNING, July 9th. This, too, was A streamed.@ We met while the men were in executive session. LINDA BROWN (Mrs. David Brown), the host pastor= s wife, welcomed us with devotional thoughts from the twenty-third Psalm. It was especially meaningful for me as it was the Psalm that was used at our Son David= s funeral three months ago. This particular morning we had two testimonies--one from TAMARA WAITE (Mrs. Daniel Waite) and the other from ELINOR GORTON of Milwaukee. They told how the Lord drew them unto Himself during times of great need. Their words brought tears to our eyes. At the close of the meeting, I had a few minutes to give a verbal tribute to JANE HOLLOWOOD (the wife of the late M. J. HOLLOWOOD). Both she and her husband were active in our DBS Society. She was a remarkable Christian woman. She died last year. (I= ll tell you about it sometime.) (All these testimonies can be viewed on www.BibleForToday.org or www.DeanBurgonSociety.org) PATRICIA WILLIAMS SPOKE ON THE BRILLIANCY OF THE KING JAMES TRANSLATORS BFT#3364/DV3 @ $15.00 + $4.00 S&H PATRICIA WILLIAMS (Mrs. H. D. Williams) gave a study on A THE BRILLIANCY OF THE KING JAMES TRANSLATORS REVEALED.@ She showed us how God providentially arranged the TRANSLATIONAL efforts of the King James Bible translators so the Bible could be a lasting work, as well as a monument to the English language. She gave examples of word choices that the translators chose that bound the Scriptures together from Old Testament to the New. In my opinion, her speech was as good as any given by the men. I hear a lot of speeches and I know! I only wish that more women--especially those married to the DBS leaders-- would be compelled to attend our meetings. I really do not understand the indifference on the part of some. Her speech is available, not only on DVD & audio tape, but in manuscript form. Please ask. (You can order this talk from BFT or view it on www.BibleForToday.org or www.DeanBurgonSociety.org) ALAN, OUR BFT SHIPPER, IS RECOVERING WHILE WE WERE IN WISCONSIN, WE WERE SHOCKED TO LEARN THAT OUR BIBLE FOR TODAY SHIPPER, ALAN PANEK, HAD A HEART ATTACK. It happened at one o= clock on Thursday morning, JULY 10TH. His wife drove him to a nearby hospital. Soon he found himself in an ambulance racing from one hospital to another that specializes in heart conditions. There he had two stents put in. His heart blockage was 90% in one vein & 70% in another. He is doing fine. We praise God! The new diet is different, to say the least, and he can= t lift heavy boxes for awhile. But Alan is back here at A FORT 900" slaving away getting out your orders. Be patient if things are not as swift as they were. Daniel Waite filled in for him often and a friend helped one day. But Dan does a million things around this office, so be patient with him, too. We are thankful that Alan was attuned to his body, and when he realized the discomfort in his chest and the odd feeling in his left arm was not as it should be, he did something about it. We thank God he is back with us and well. KEEP PRAYING! A PERSONAL WORD I WANT TO THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR KIND AND THOUGHTFUL WORDS OF SYMPATHY TO MY HUSBAND AND ME AND OUR FAMILY AT THE SUDDEN DEATH OF OUR SECOND-BORN SON, DAVID WILLIAM WAITE. I cannot explain what it meant to me that you cared. I want to tell you about a town worker in the city of Paulsboro where David lived. He said he and his crew knew David as he stopped by to see them every day. Of course, when he did not come, they knew something was wrong. They were saddened to learn that he had died. Guess what they did for David? One of their jobs for the city was to clean the streets. He told me, A We swept the street for your son. We wanted him to have a clean street get-away when he left our city!@ I couldn= t get over it. (By the way, many of them came to Dave=s service on April 23rd.) Here in Collingswood, we live across from the Lutheran Church. We have lived here forty-three years. Not once, for any of their funerals I= ve seen at our neighboring church, have I observed the city street cleaners cleaning up the street for any of their deceased. I can= t tell you how touched I was by the workers= care of Dave= s departure. It was an honor to know they shared our grief! UNTIL NEXT TIME--I=M UNDER GOD=S CARE, ARE YOU?
Yvonne S. Waite, for Dr. Waite, too. (I Peter 5:6-11) A CAN WE SURRENDER OUR CONCERN IN THINGS THAT DON= T MATTER SO THAT WE MIGHT DEVOTE OUR REMAINING DAYS TO THINGS THAT DO?@ Newsman Tony Snow (died at 53 on July 12, 2008) HERE ARE SOME BIBLE FOR TODAY FFERS WHY NOT ORDER TODAY? U ORDER : NEW!! DR. WAITE= S NEW BOOK, A CRITICAL ANSWER TO MICHAEL SPROUL= S BOOK God= s Word Preserved . It contains 275 of Sproul= s statements analyzed carefully for errors, misrepresentations, and serious falsehoods. (186 pgs. Soft back) It is BFT #3308 for a gift of $11.00+ $4.00 S&H.. This book is an attempt to bring a partial answer and reply to a number of errors and false statements in a book entitle GOD= S WORD PRESERVED. . . Though there are many false and misleading statements in Sproul= s book, I will be limiting my comments to only 275 of the egregious statements. This material was first given on a series of my radio broadcasts. (page 1) . . . Sproul= s first serious error is that he deceives the readers into believing that he actually believes that God= s A WORDS@ have been preserved from the time of their writing to the present time. He redefines A WORD@ to mean only the IDEAS, THOUGHTS, CONCEPTS, MESSAGE, TRUTH or TEACHINGS, but not A WORDS.@ THIS IS UNCALLED FOR AND DECEPTIVE. U ORDER: A NEW SHIPMENT OF DEFINED KING JAMES BIBLE ARRIVED APRIL 30TH! ALL BACK ORDERS HAVE BEEN FILLED! CALL 1-800-JOHN 10:9 WITH YOUR ORDER. Some have sent money in memory of David. This was never asked for BUT APPRECIATED. It was used for the Bible Fund. Thank-you! U ORDER: A GNOSTICISM & Heresies in BIBLE VERSIONS@ Dr. Waite= s message given at DBS/WISCONSIN--= 08 : TP, CD. or DVD DID YOU DOWNLOAD BFT MESSAGES FROM SERMON AUDIO LAST MONTH?
The Bible For Today
For whosoever shall call upon the name
of the Lord shall be saved. From the Authorized King James Bible