BFT UPDATE/ MAY‘09 900 Park Avenue/Collingswood, New Jersey 08108 E-MAIL: BFT@BibleForToday.org/ WEB PAGE: www. BibleForToday.org Phones: 856-854-4452, order-phone only: 1-800-John 10:9 ~~~~~ PHONE FOR QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS DURING SUNDAY AND THURSDAY BIBLE CLASSES DR. WAITE’S CELL PHONE: 856-261-9018 FOR QUESTIONS & DISCUSSION DURING THEOLOGY CLASS DANIEL WAITE’S CELL PHONE: 856-816-7839 DALLAS AGAIN! How good to be in Dallas, Texas again. After all these years! When Dr. Waite and I were just a bride and groom, we drove all the way from Berea, Ohio (near Cleveland) to Dallas, Texas. That trip was our honeymoon. We were young in the first blush of our “twenties.” We borrowed my father-in- law’s OLDSMOBILE and drove and drove and drove until we hit Texas! It was all new to us. My husband was going to be a student at Dallas Theological Seminary there on Swiss Avenue. We were given a twenty-six foot trailer as a wedding present from Dad Waite. It was a beautiful green Vagabond–no bathroom, a small kitchen, no drains, and us. (The water spilled out on the ground!) Before we left there, we had two little boys–Don and Dave (and another one on the way.) Those were the days! IGLESIA BAUTISTA MONTE LOS OLIVOS MISSIONS CONFERENCE What brought us to Dallas again? PASTOR OSCAR GOMEZ invited my husband to his annual MISSIONARY CONFERENCE to teach his IGLESIA BAUTISTA MONTE LOS OLIVOS about the differences between the 1909 Spanish Bible and the Reina-Valera-Gomez (RVG) translation. That is the new Spanish version that we have been telling you about. You see, there is a big problem with the Spanish Bibles. Most of them are not based exclusively on the New Testament Textus Receptus Greek as they should be. There are many divisions, over which Spanish Bible is the most accurate. DR. WAITE SPOKE ON THE DEFECTS OF THE 1909 SPANISH BIBLE So my husband taught there in Balch Spring, Texas (near Dallas) for three days on the subject, “Some Defects in the 1909 Spanish Bible.” That was April 7-9, 2009. I thought it was so important that I went to Texas with my husband to video his messages. While videotaping him, I did the other speakers, too–as well as much of the singing. Our son, DANIEL WAITE, spent hours getting these meetings on DVD’s for you. I know you will be blessed! The Spanish was translated into English and the English into Spanish. So you will be able to hear and understand the speakers. YOU MAY ORDER THIS DVD FOR A GIFT OF $15.00 + $5.00 S&H. You will be blessed. The singing is beautiful! Pastor Oscar Gomez has this lovely voice that he uses to lead his congregation. All the songs are in Spanish, but you will know most of them. What a blessing. I enjoyed every minute of it. I am so glad I went-- even though I came home very tired and sick. LET ME TELL YOU WHO THE SPEAKERS WERE ORDER: #3399DVD: $15.00 + $5.00 S&H DR. D. A. WAITE: Defects in the Spanish 1909 #1, #2, & #3. DR. TIM FELLURE: Missions in the Old Testament MISSIONARY MICHAEL WILPS: The Work in Paraguay DR. JAMES FELLURE: Missionaries as Mules for God MISSIONARY MIZA OLIVEIRA: A Call to Brazil MISSIONARY NATHAN HAIFLEY: The Prison ministry MISSIONARY TIM FELLURE: The Importance of the Bible in Missions MEXICAN FOOD AND SPANISH WORDS OF FRIENDSHIP WE ENJOYED THE FELLOWSHIP IMMENSELY THERE WITH THE GOMEZ FAMILY AND THEIR CHURCH. The church women made good Mexican food for us twice a day. After being in Mexico last December, I have become accustomed to the Mexican cooking. So I know what to do with the beans and sauces, as well as the tortillas, etc. I especially enjoyed the fresh peach dessert with nuts, raisins, and evaporated milk. Absolutely delicious. I had fish soup for the first time. That takes a little bit of getting used to. Ha! THE CHURCH PEOPLE WERE VERY FRIENDLY. They shook hands and talked Spanish and English to us. Of course, my husband is fluent in Spanish, but I am not. I was very glad to meet three of Pastor Oscar’s four brothers. Of course, we know DR. HUMBERTO GOMEZ, having been in his church there in Matmoros, Mexico twice, as well as seeing him in several DEAN BURGON SOCIETY meetings. He’s the one who translated the new Spanish version (RVG). By the way, you can order them from us. They have a new Spanish/English (RVG/KJB) parallel Bible now (BFT @$50.00 + $8.00 S&H). IT WAS GOOD FOR ME TO MEET THE GOMEZ BROTHERS. Let’s see if I can remember their names! There is Bernardo, Humberto, Oscar, and Manuel. One brother was not there–so I can’t remember his name. How proud of them was their mother. A VISIT TO DALLAS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY FROM PRE-MED TO PRE-THEOLOGICAL AS I TOLD YOU PREVIOUSLY, WE LIVED IN DALLAS, TEXAS, FOR FIVE YEARS. My husband was a student at Dallas Theological Seminary. That was about sixty-one years ago this August. He had graduated from the University of Michigan that summer. (That was in 1948.) He did it in three years, going year-around. He was a new Christian, having come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour in his senior year of high school. That was in Berea, Ohio. You probably remember how the high school janitor led him to the Lord. His name was Uncle Charlie Allen. That is a wonderful story of salvation that I’ll have to tell you about some time. At first, D. A. Waite was in the pre-med program. He was good in science and math. But after a while, at being at Michigan and sitting under the teaching of DR. M. R. DeHAAN, the LORD moved in my husband’s heart to prepare his life to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in a fuller service–not that medicine cannot serve Him. So, off we went, as bride and groom, to Dallas Theological Seminary and Texas! DR. LEWIS SPERRY CHAFER’S LAST YEAR NO ONE EVER TOLD OF THE TEXTUS RECEPTUS GREEK TEXT IT WAS A GOOD TIME OF LEARNING THE THINGS OF THE LORD AND THE DEEP TRUTHS OF SCRIPTURE, AS WELL AS OUR STARTING TO LEARN HOW TO BE MARRIED. (That is an assignment!) My husband’s seminary class graduated during the last year that Dr. Chafer taught. (That was in 1952.) After four years, my husband received his MASTER OF THEOLOGY degree. We stayed there one more year as he took his residence for the DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY. Little did we know it, but those years of Greek and Hebrew were the foundational years for the work of the Lord that my husband finds himself in now. Though he received a fine theological education at Dallas, (he graduated at the head of his class!) he was never once told about the two different texts that underlie the Greek New Testament. NO ONE EVER TOLD HIM ABOUT THE TEXTUS RECEPTUS! NO ONE EVER TOLD HIM THAT THE WESTCOTT & HORT GREEK TEXT (FROM WHICH HE LEARNED GREEK) WAS CORRUPTED. It took one of his students, years ago, as he taught in the classroom, to ask him, “DR. WAITE, HAVE YOU EVER READ DEAN JOHN WILLIAM BURGON’S book, THE REVISION REVISED?” (BFT #611 @ $25.00 + $5.00 S&H). WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS? SO IT WAS WITH SOME EXCITEMENT THAT WE WERE DRIVEN OVER TO THE SEMINARY ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON. Pastor Oscar Gomez knew the way. I must say I was amazed how the city of Dallas had grown. But my amazement did not stop there. DALLAS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY HAS MUSHROOMED INTO A HUGE PLACE! Somebody, somewhere has a lot of money! There are more buildings than I have time to enumerate to you in this UPDATE–big dormitories, married student apartments, a student center, a chapel, an eating common, alumni offices, classrooms, a library, a book store, teachers’ offices, student centers, and grass all over the place. To top it off they have their own security force with a police car and everything. I just couldn’t get over the change in the appearance of “our” precious school of the prophets that we knew sixty years ago. WHERE WAS TRAILERVILLE? WHEN MY HUSBAND WAS A STUDENT AT DALLAS, THERE WERE ONLY A FEW BUILDINGS! There was the main seminary building built in beautiful mission-style with an attached dormitory for the men. There was a building for married students and a “book room” in a building the size of an ordinary garage. In the back of this small campus was TRAILERVILLE. That is where married students could live. They would pull their house trailers in, parking them for four years and live. OF COURSE, THERE IS NO TRAILERVILLE ANYMORE!! I knew it was gone. It would be too demeaning to be found on such a rich and exclusive campus as Dallas Theological Seminary. How embarrassing to have discovered future teachers and presidents of the school walking to and fro to the “wash house” in their bathrobes! I remember Howard Hendricks lived in a small trailer there, as well as Ray Stedman, and Albert Platt, and Don Campbell, and others–of course, the WAITES. VIEWING THE CHANGES THAT SIXTY YEARS HAVE BROUGHT IT WAS FUN TALKING AND SEEING THE CHANGES WITH ONE OF MY HUSBAND’S FORMER CLASSMATES, BRADFORD LAPSLEY. He and my husband are still tall and in their early eighties. He lives near Dallas, had been a missionary to Ethiopia, came home because of a sick wife, went into real-estate, and keeps in touch with the class- mates. We call him “TEX.” I did not know Tex very well as he was not a married student at the time. But he says he remembers my “bouncing” over to the seminary. I used to work in the library when MR. RAND was the librarian. (That was before we had any children.) Above that library was a loft where the Trailerville students kept their books and studied. My husband studied up there with those men. Now that room seems to be some kind of storage place. THE DTS LIBRARY WAS AWESOME! HUGE AND FULL OF BOOKS! I would have liked to spend a day just looking around in it. My husband was curious if they had his books there. Even though I send every book to the seminary, they could find only one in the time we had to have the librarian search. A FEELING OF SADNESS OVERWHELMED ME BUT I MUST SAY, EVEN THOUGH I WAS “MOVED” BY THE SIZE OF THE PLACE AND THE RICHES OF IT ALL, I WAS SAD!! My sadness was not only that it had become so big, but that in that bigness and beauty, the simplicity of the theological education that used to be has disappeared. One of the biggest disappearance was THE KING JAMES BIBLE as the Bible used in the classroom. Why do I say that? Because I chatted with a few students. It was summer and there were not many walking around. But the ones I saw and the Bible they were using as they studied was the New American Standard Bible. In the bookstore, there were a few KJV Bibles–not many–and no DEFINED KING JAMES BIBLES, but many other versions. It was very sad to me to think of the hundreds of men and now women who sit on those seats and learn everything except the entire truth concerning the Greek Texts that underlie the Authorized King James Bible. IT’S NOT “CHAFER” BUT “SHAFER” I CAME AWAY MISSING THE LITTLE SEMINARY WITH A LITTLE OLD MAN NAMED LEWIS SPERRY CHAFER TEACHING HIS MEN ABOUT THE WORDS OF GOD. He was a simple–yet profound–teacher. Many men sound like their teachers. Those that have studied under a more recent president of the school, CHARLES SWINDOLL,sound like him when they speak. The fact is that Dr. Swindoll sounds like his teacher, HOWARD HENDRICKS. And so it goes. I suppose you could say that DR. WAITE teaches and sounds more like his teacher, LEWIS SPERRY CHAFER. Perhaps Elisha, who was given a double-portion, sounded like his teacher, Elijah. I was not there to hear him, but we know that many of his miracles were similar to Elijah’s. ANOTHER THING: IN THE PRESIDENT’S OFFICE (Dr. Bailey was not there), I LOOKED AT OLD PICTURES OF THE “OLDEN DAYS.” As I spoke about the founder of the Seminary to the receptionist, I heard her pronounce his name incorrectly. She said, “CHAFF-er.” I corrected her, by saying, “When we were here, Dr. Chafer did not say “CHAFF-er.” He said his name was “SHAF-fer.” That was the only thing I corrected that afternoon, but I wanted to say more. “All that glitters is not gold!” IT WAS GOOD TO HAVE BEEN THERE I AM GLAD WE WENT OVER TO SEE THE OLD SCHOOL. It was good for us to see what it was like. EVERYONE WAS FRIENDLY AND KIND TO US. That was good. Dr. Waite and his friend, being graduates, were given dark blue cups to remember the school. Later, we were treated to coffee or tea in the snack shop. When people heard my husband trained under Dr. Chafer, their ears pricked up. The alumni person took a picture of my husband sitting in Dr. Walvoord’s chair. It was just an ordinary leather chair. It is not the chair, it is the man who sits in the chair that makes it extraordinary. Dr. Walvoord was such a man. And, if you don’t mind my saying so, Dr. D. A. Waite is such a man, too. HE HAS DARED TO BUCK THE TIDE OF POPULARITY FOR THE TRUTH CONCERNING THE HEBREW, ARAMAIC, AND GREEK WORDS THAT UNDERLIE THE KING JAMES BIBLE. WHERE WERE THE OLD LANDMARKS? IT WAS GOOD TO SEE DALLAS AGAIN, TO SEE SOME OF THE OLD LANDMARKS. HOW IT HAS CHANGED! No wonder God had the children of Israel put stones around to remind them from whence they came. Very few of the “old stones” are left at Dallas Theological Seminary. It was good to see Tex again. He is a fun person who loves the LORD and still has a burden for Ethiopia. We are thankful to Pastor Gomez for taking us over to 3909 Swiss Avenue once more. I’m so glad we went–and I think my husband is, too. I wish that the Seminary would invite my husband to present his views on the translation issues. It would be good for the students to hear another point of view. What do you think? DR. TIMOTHY TOW OF SINGAPORE--HOME WITH THE LORD Dr. Timothy Tow, the renowned pastor and scholar of Singapore, slipped into the presence of the Lord on Monday, April 20, 2009. He was the founding principal of the Far Eastern Bible College, the founding pastor of the Life Bible Presbyterian Church and the True Life Bible Presbyterian Church. He was 88-years old and author of many books. He stood strongly for the King James Bible and for the Preservation of the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Words that underlie it. For his stalwart stand, he paid the tremendous price of losing his first church. He was the brother of Dr. S. H. Tow, and father-in-law of Dr. Jeffrey Khoo. He will be missed. FOUR DAYS AT VOLINIA BAPTIST CHURCH DECATUR, MICHIGAN/MARCH 22-25 THE TRIBUTE TO FANNY CROSBY WELL-RECEIVED TEN DAYS PRIOR TO OUR LEAVING FOR DALLAS, WE CAME HOME FROM AN EXCELLENT MEETING IN THE DECATUR, MICHIGAN AREA. I wish you could have been there with us. In fact, ROB FROM CHICAGO, one of our internet friends, took the AMTRAK to do just that. He said he specifically came to see me do THE TRIBUTE TO FANNY CROSBY. I portrayed her at the VOLINIA BAPTIST CHURCH there on Marcellus Highway on a Sunday night. That would have been MARCH 22, 2009 in the evening. I must say that it was well received, and I have to confess it was good to do it again. It had been a year. Every time I “become” that great lady of gospel songs, I am moved. I’m sure you know who Fanny Crosby is. She was a blind hymn-writer who died in 1915. She wrote songs like BLESSED ASSURANCE, TO GOD BE THE GLORY, and PASS ME NOT. Before all those “praise” choruses came into the churches, people sang her songs every Sunday. I personally think it is a shame what has happened to church music today! A long time ago, I wrote that “New Evangelicalism” would creep into fundamental churches through their music. How sad to be right! But at that time, I knew nothing about the “praise” choruses and the lack of good, doctrinal hymns sung from the pews and platform that there are today! DR. WAITE TAUGHT ABOUT TEXTUAL ISSUES ORDER THESE EXCELLENT AUDIO CASSETTES TODAY: BFT#3400 @ $12.00 + $5.00 S&H MY HUSBAND, DR. WAITE, WAS INVITED TO GIVE A SERIES OF TALKS ON DEFENDING THE KING JAMES BIBLE. PASTOR THOMAS STOUT wanted him to teach this subject thoroughly to his people. I must say, they “ate it up.��� This interest was not only shown by the questions that were asked during the “Q&A” period after the teaching, but by the book-table response. The people “ate up” the books as well! One man wanted one of everything we brought. Others were eager to read and learn more. I was glad for this interest. I was happy for the Pastor that it was so. And I was pleased for my husband, as it is always rewarding to know that one’s teaching is being understood and appreciated. WE ENJOYED THE MICHIGAN HOSPITALITY MY HUSBAND AND I ARE ORIGINALLY FROM THE MIDWEST. SO IT WAS VERY REFRESHING TO OBSERVE THE WAY PEOPLE ACT IN THAT PART OF MICHIGAN. (I think it is near Indiana.) They acted just like I do. PEOPLE TALK TO STRANGERS AND ACT LIKE THEY KNOW ONE ANOTHER–-EVEN IF THEY DON’T. Most of the time, I am the only one acting that way here in South Jersey. Suddenly I was not the “Different One”! PASTOR & MRS. STOUT WERE GRACIOUS HOSTS. She had us over to their home for Sunday–Rob, too. It was a pleasure to eat her excellent food. I really don’t know how she did it! Not only is she a busy pastor’s wife, the mother of seven adult children, a published author, a teacher in the church, as well as a substitute teacher in the school, but she was suffering hip pain. GLUCOSAMINE TO THE RESCUE AGAIN! I TOLD HER ABOUT OUR “FIND” of GLUCOSAMINE WITH MSM AND CHONDROITIN SULFATE. (It is High Potency and supports normal joint function.) If you have an allergy to shellfish, you should not take it. There are 180 capsules in the jar. It is the NOW BRAND–CODE # 3279. In the health food store, it costs about $30 to $35 per bottle; but I can give you an address where it is cheaper @ $20 each with free shipping if you buy 5 bottles. We do not make any money on this. We have been helped immensely. I could not walk if I did not take this.!! It helps every cartilage in our body to be healthy. Anyhow, I gave Marilyn Stout some. She could sleep without pain for the first time in weeks. (It is NOT a pain medication–only shells ground-up in a capsule.) Since our being there, she has had a hip replacement.. My husband’s hip replacement, four years ago, has been very good for him. Between the surgery and the GLUCOSAMINE (to keep his other hip healthy), he can go for another hundred years–LORD WILLING! WHAT IS THE EMERGENT CHURCH? I WANT TO TELL YOU ABOUT SOME RADIO PROGRAMS THAT I HAVE RECENTLY RECORDED. I think you will be interested in them. IT IS A SERIES OF FIVE PROGRAMS ON THE EMERGENT CHURCH. I quote several men’s works on this. I think you will find it very informative. A friend of mine CALLED me the other day THRILLED with the teaching. She and her husband sat down together and listened to all five programs. I’ve been very interested in this subject, and finally got up enough nerve to broadcast about it. Ask for JFW/CD117a-e ($8+$4). 1. WHAT IS THE EMERGENT CHURCH? 2. THE EMERGENT CHURCH PHILOSOPHY 3. EMERGENT CHURCH VALUES 4. ROB BELL & THE EMERGENT CHURCH 5. THE EMERGENT CHURCH’S BIBLE & RITUALS A NEW BOOK DR. WAITE ANSWERS JAMES PRICE THERE ARE SOME NEW BOOKS THAT WILL INTEREST YOU. My husband has sent a book answering JAMES PRICE’S large book that he has written called, KING JAMES ONLYISM: A NEW SECT. It is about 180 pages long, answering Dr. Price’s charges and misstatements on those who stand for the King James Bible. James Price was a former Professor at Temple Baptist Seminary in Chattanooga, Tennessee, from 1972 to 2005. Dr. Waite says that Price has taken a false position in two areas. 1. A DISBELIEF IN THE PRESERVATION OF THE ORIGINAL Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Words, 2. A strong opposition to those who maintain this position. He refers to them as being “King Jams Only.” Dr. Waite says about the above statement: “This is a slanderous term implying those who believe the first area are Ruckmanites on the KJB.”
A NEW BOOK THE OXFORD DEBATE ON THE TEXTUAL CRITICISM OF THE NEW TESTAMENT THIS IS A BOOK WRITTEN IN 1897 BY PREBENDARY EDWARD MILLER WHO WAS AN UNDERSTUDY OF DEAN JOHN WILLIAM BURGON. Dr. H. D. WILLIAMS of THE OLD PATHS’ PUBLICATION group has felt the need for this book to be re-printed. It has a BFT # of 3397 for a gift of $15.00 + $5.00 S&H. It is an attractive blue book with yellow-and white-print on the front. This book was encouraged to be re-printed by the DEAN BURGON SOCIETY. The back cover says that “Textual Criticism brings controversy.” This book is a debate over the two methods of textual criticism. I hope you get it! SAN FRANCISCO, SAN JOSE, SACRAMENTO MAY 1-3, 2009 IF ALL GOES AS PLANNED, MY HUSBAND, DR. WAITE, IS SCHEDULED TO SPEAK IN THE SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA AREA. HE IS TO PREACH AND TEACH IN CALIFORNIA MAY 1-3, 2009. PASTOR STEPHEN HOSEA AND THE INDONESIAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH IS THE HOST CHURCH. That church is on 448 Brussels Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94134. His phone number is 415-656-0886. FRIDAY, MAY 1: IN SAN JOSE, CA AT 7:30 P.M. Dr. Waite will be speaking to young people on BIBLE PICTURES, PROPERTIES, AND PRODUCTS.” SATURDAY, MAY 2: at a Layman’s Bible Classes. (SAN FRANCISCO) “THE NEED FOR PROPER BIBLE TRANSLATIONS” (5 classes) SUNDAY, MAY 3, 11:00 A.M.: (SAN FRANCISCO) “THE PROFITABILITY OF THE BIBLE” in the morning service. SUNDAY, MAY 3, 4:00 P.M.: (SACRAMENTO) in an afternoon service. “GROWING IN GRACE AND KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST.”
DEAN BURGON SOCIETY IN JULY I HOPE YOU ARE PREPARING TO ATTEND THE 31ST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE DEAN BURGON SOCIETY, JULY 22-23, 2009. It is meeting at the RAVENSWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH, 4455 NORTH SEELEY AVE. , CHICAGO, IL. CALL PASTOR PHIL STRINGER FOR DIRECTIONS, ETC. 773-561-6576. There will be “live streaming” for the Women’s meeting on Wednesday a.m. at 10a.m.-noon, as well as all the daily meetings of the DBS regular sessions. It is a blessing of a gathering. You will be greatly blessed if you attend. Dr. Waite has been the president all these years. PRAY FOR US. I’M UNDER GOD’S CARE, ARE YOU?
Yvonne S. Waite (for Dr. Waite, too)
(BFT#3106 @$20.00 + $5.00 S&H ) BY GERTRUDE G. SANBORN.
412 poems that touch the heart.
Dr. Waite attempts to give his reasons why he believes that the Hebrew, Aramaic, ✔ ORDER: “SECOND TIMOTHY PREACHING VERSE BY VERSE” by Dr. Waite (244 pgs, paper- back) BFT #3105 @ $11.00+ $5.00 S&H Every verse has a comment. ✔ORDER: DR. WAITE’S NEW BOOK, A CRITICAL ANSWER TO MICHAEL SPROUL’S BOOK, God’s Word Preserved. (186 pages. Soft back) It is BFT #3308 for a gift of $11.00+ $5.00 S&H.
Prebendary Edward Miller (95 soft-page book) BFT #3397 @$15.00+$5.00
: DEFENDING THE KING JAMES BIBLE 10TH PRINTING! $12.00+$5.00 S&H. A must read! ✔ORDER: JESUS IS GOD by DENNIS D. HELTON (BFT #3396 @ $10.00 + $5.00 S&H) This book answers questions such as “Does the Bible teach the Deity of Jesus?
The Bible For Today
For whosoever shall call upon the name
of the Lord shall be saved. From the Authorized King James Bible