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  "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
. . .  John 3:16  . . .
The Bible For Today Update

Yvonne Sanborn Waite, D. Hum.

January, February, March 2005


Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner;
But be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God.




HOW DO I BEGIN TO TELL YOU ABOUT OUR KOREAN TRIP? I guess there is no other way but to begin at the beginning. We were the guests of SEOUL FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH and PASTOR & MRS. YOUNG JIN EUM back in early Novermber of last year (November 8-15, 2004). I hope I can remember the important details of the Bible conference, as well as all the Christian kindnesses showered upon us while there. It was such a thrilling time of Christian service that week. You must order the tapes! The Lord enriched us as we fellowshipped with our dear Korean friends in Incheon and Seoul. The week went by so quickly. Oh, how I wish you could have been there, too! Yet, so much has happened in-between then and now, like the terrible TSUNAMI upheaval in the Indian Ocean, the floods across our country, the mudslides, the avalanches, the train wrecks--to say nothing of the Iraq war. I kept saying to my husband and anyone who would listen, "NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME; NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!!" All the confusion, heartache, and death connected with those Noah-like days and the terrorist attacks brought so much loss to so many. "NOW IS THE TIME!!" People asked. "Where is God?" Of course, He is where He always is! Since then, many people have come and gone in our lives. New doors opened. Old doors have shut. Yet, I want to go back to last year and give you a glimpse into our South Korean days. So hang on!

WE LEFT THE UNITED STATES FROM KENNEDY AIRPORT ON NOVEMBER 8TH. I’ve been there before and always dread the crowds & confusion of that place. Perhaps it was because we were flying on KOREAN AIR, but Kennedy was fine to me that day. Korean Air was such a gracious airline to us. As I gazed out my plane window, I looked down and saw the beautiful view below, New York City. The islands under my sight looked like jewels floating on azure-blue water. I don’t remember seeing this before. Evidently, in the past, I’ve taken off from that airport at night.


I THOROUGHLY ENJOYED MY WINDOW SEAT. At first, a young man was sitting there, but the hostess asked him to move, making more room for this senior citizen. I must tell you what I saw from that window! I jotted down a few notes. The flight took fourteen and a half hours to get there. Coming back we had a tail wind, and it took less than twelve hours to return. After several hours, I spied cracked frozen ground miles below us. We flew the northeren route--the POLAR ROUTE! I was excited! We were 34,000 feet high, traveling at 544 miles per hour with a 17 mile-an-hour head wind. The ride was smooth. It was as if we were standing still.

I MUST CONFESS THAT I WAS A WEE BIT APREHENSIVE ABOUT FLYING TO KOREA, for I knew of a plane exactly like ours that had been shot down a few years ago. The pilot had drifted over China’s airspace! But I trusted that God would take care of me--dead or alive. My place on that journey was to be by my husband’s side. In fact, to be truthful, every time I get on a plane or in a car for a long trip, I wonder if we will get to our destination. There are so many terrible things that happen to travelers these days. My times are in God’s hand (Psalm 31:15). I believe it. I trust in it and I go forward. Many people die in their own backyards or fall in the bathtub. ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus!

Our times are in Thy hand,

Why should we doubt or fear?

A Father’s hand will never cause

His child a needless tear.

Our times are in Thy hand,

Jesus, the Crucified!

The hand our many sins had pierced

Is now our guard and guide. (Authur unkown)


I ALWAYS WANTED TO GO TO ALASKA. So was delighted that we were flying over the freezing tundra at 37,000 feet. I saw snow everywhere on the ground, as well as on the snow-covered mountains. What beauty! After several continual sunsets, that followed us for hours, the sky became daylight bright! We never had night! I was reminded of Heaven and how there will be no night there for JESUS IS THE LIGHT. I struck up a conversatoin with the steward in charge of the planes finances. He said something about "light" nights. I was the only one in the huge plane looking out the window. Everyone else had their shades down, some trying to sleep. In fact, the bright sunlight shinning through my shadeless window was too much for some of the passengers in the middle section across from us. The attendant requested that I pull my shade. So, I missed out on some of God’s beauty so others could watch the movie without the sun in their eyes.

SOMEWHERE WE LOST ONE DAY OF OUR LIVES. I GUESS IT WAS WHEN WE CROSSED THE INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE. Of course, it was returned to us on the way home the next week. Some time after the sun refused to set, I noted that it was 11:09 AM for me high in the sky. The date was November 9th; but, at home in Collingswood, it was still November 8th and 9:09 PM the evening of the morning that we left New Jersey for Kennedy airport.


FOR DINNER ON THE "747," WE HAD "BIBIMPAP". It was a Korean dish--rice mixed with a vegetable salad, raw salmon, and a hot sauce. There was seaweed and sesame oil, too. It was good!! Saw on the map, flashed on the screen, that we were over the BERING SEA. We flew over the CHUKCHI AND KOLLYMA MOUNTAIN RANGES, and the SEA OF OKLATSK, too. The ARCTIC OCEAN was to our North. I observed funny-looking white clouds against the blue, blue sky above the KAMCHATKA PENINSULA. Yes, we flew over Russia some place. Couldn’t tell the difference between the clouds and the lumps and lumps of snow that covered the ground way down there underneath our airliner. It all looked like huge white honey- combs to me. I’d never been over this part of the world before.


WE WERE MET AT THE AIRPORT BY PASTOR EUM AND MISSIONARY ROB OETMAN. They confirmed the schedule with my husband for the coming week. I was tired. I don’t sleep well sitting up in an airplane, but my husband has the gift of sleeping in an upright position. I couldn’t wait to get to the guest house. The airport is on an island away from the hustle and bustle of the cities. When we came into the area for landing, the pilot had to be very careful not to fly over North Korea. It is an aviator’s art! On the long ride to Seoul and our "home" for the week, we learned of an evening Bible study in English that night. MISSIONARY ROB, the teacher of the class, invited my husband to attend and lead the discussion. I thought for sure, Dr. Waite would decline--but no. He went. He is a gracious man. He was there to serve our hosts in whatever way they wanted. I thought he should rest--but who am I?

I WAS DROPPED OFF AT THE GUEST HOUSE. There was a sign at the door to take off my shoes as all Asians do. I just couldn’t do it that first night! I have feet problems and they weren’t working too well at that moment. It was a wonderful three-room apartment run by the Southern Baptists. (We were told that the Southern Baptists’ "ministry" in Korea is running guest houses and condominiums for rent.) Immediately I went to bed and never woke up at all--even when my husband came into the apartment hours later. He could have been a robber and I’d never have known it. I liked it there very much at that guest house. Everything was so handy. (I live in a big three floor house with basement and three stair cases here in Collingswood.) The church people made sure we had food in the refrigerator and water to drink. They were so gracious. One afternoon PASTOR and MRS. EUM and DEACON OM brought over a delicious Korean lunch. I wish that MRS. OM and their daughter, JANE OM, could have been with us. Jane became my helper Sunday evening , telling me what people were saying and just being my friend. She was the same age as our granddaughter, Anna. It made me wish Anna could know Jane. Maybe some day! I must say that even though we had good food, beautifully served in fancy restaurants on other days, I really enjoyed that meal in our apartment kitchen .



I WANT TO SAY RIGHT NOW THAT IF YOU THINK KOREA IS A BACKWARD COUNTRY, "YOU HAVE ANOTHER THINK COMING"--as my grandmother used to say. Both of those cities are huge metropolises with many, many skyscrapers reaching to the clouds. It reminded me of our time in Singapore. Because there is little spare land, only the very very wealthy have private homes. But there are apartments for all stations of life. We spent several afternoons with MISSIONARIES BRENDA & ROB OETMAN in their apartment near the church. It seemed nice to me. He has quite an outreach with the English-speaking Koreans and others. SEOUL FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH is on two floors in an office building close by. The first floor is the place of worship and the second floor they have classrooms and a kitchen. Someone told us that the tallest skyscraper in the world was in South Korea. Not sure if that is true or not. On a Sunday evening, we had green tea cake and tea served in beautiful cups as guests of a dentist friend, Dr. & Mrs. Cho, who lived on the 45th floor of an exclusive penthouse. They have a very impressive view of the city. We were told it was purchased for one-and a half-million dollars. If I remember correctly, that building was in the heart of Korea’s financial district.


WE WERE TOLD THAT SEOUL HAD A POPULATION OF 12,000,000, and the city of INCHEON HAD 3,000,000. I have 30,000,000 written down next to those two figures, so it must mean that the two cities and their surrounding environs have a population of 30,000,000. In all of SOUTH KOREA, there are FIFTY MILLION PEOPLE. It is VERY impressive. I WAS TOLD THAT SEOUL IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST CITIES IN THE WORLD! I have written in my notes that NORTH KOREA has a population of 25 to 30 million. There is such a difference between the North and the South. When I talked with the Korean people there in Seoul or on the airplane, they made it very clear to me that they do not consider their land as two countries but only one. North Korea is under a dictatorship and South Korea has an elected president and free enterprise. We had the sense that some of the young Koreans do not know the dangers of communism and may not really appreciate the freedom they have in South Korea, or the help that the United States of America has been to them. I may be wrong, but it seemed that way to me. In my opinion (but I am biased), South Korea would not be what it is today if it were not for the USA. Our American boys died for them--for their freedom--and our money undergirded their abilities. My brother-in-law, HANK BENEDICT, was called back into the U. S. Navy to come to the aid of that country. He left his wife, my husband’s sister, and two small children to help South Korea. He sacrificed years for our Asian friends. We’ll never forget it! The South Koreans are a very industrious people. I was impressed. The children go to school from sun-up to sun-down--especially the teen agers. They attend the city schools from 8:00 or 8:30 A.M. until 3:00 or 3:30 P.M. Then they dash over to private academies to learn English and do homework until ten o’clock at night. No wonder no matter what time of the day, automobiles are all over. The traffic is terrific.


THOSE WHO COME TO SEOUL FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FROM INCHEON (an hour’s drive) DO NOT RETURN TO THEIR APARTMENT-HOMES AFTER THE MORNING SERVICE. A DINNER IS PREPARED BY THE WOMEN OF THE CHURCH FOR THE CHURCH PEOPLE. There is so much traffic seven days a week from early morning to midnight that the trip would take much longer than one hour. Our quarters, while there, were only ten minutes away; but in reality, it would take almost an hour or forty-five minutes to get back and forth. That’s why we stayed with the Oetmans in the afternoons. I have been to London. The traffic there is frightening. Seoul reminded me of that large city in Great Britain--but if I recall correctly, in Korea, they drive on the right side of the road.


I THINK THE FIRST FULL DAY, MY HUSBAND GAVE A DEFENSE OF THE KING JAMES BIBLE AND ITS TEXTS TO A GROUP OF DOCTORS AND INTERNS AT A CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL IN INCHEON. There were seventeen there. I was very interested in this hospital because I lived in a children’s hospital as a little child. DR. TCHAH was a Christian believer and the head of pediatrics there. Every week MISSIONARY OETMAN teaches a class in English to this group. The day my husband spoke, PASTOR EUM was his interpreter. We were very impressed with his goodness and leadership as the pastor-shepherd of that Independent Baptist Church in Youngdeungpo, Seoul, South Korea. He is wise. I just loved Mrs. Eum. She had limited English but her ways were kind and friendly. It was very hard to leave her at the end of the week. Mrs. Eum’s husband was a successful business man when God called him to preach. She yielded to the will of God in this matter and gave up many financial benefits to submit to the Lord for her husband to be in full-time Christian service. I don’t know if you know it or not, but a wife can make or break her husband’s dedication to Christian work. Many a pastor has had to resign because his wife is rebellious to her mate’s consecration. Of course, some men who are missionaries or pastors neglect their wives and tend to other people’s needs before hers. It takes a lot of practice for the man to know that such attention to others can cause problems at home; and, it takes much patience for the wife to wait her turn in life for his attention to be directed at her rather than some poor widow in the congregation or some delinquent son in another family.

LATER AT THE CHURCH, I MET PEDIATRICIAN TCHAH’S WIFE. HER NAME IS DR. YUNMI TCHAH. She is a teacher of nurses. They took us out to eat one evening with a tableful of friends. I complimented her on her beautiful pin. She took it right off her dress and gave it to me. I never had anything like that happen to me before, have you?

AS I MET VARIOUS WOMEN, I LEARNED THAT MANY OF THEM DO NOT TAKE THEIR HUSBAND’S NAME. They also don’t wear their wedding rings. I asked why about the wedding rings. It wasn’t because they didn’t love their husbands or didn’t like their wedding rings, but they said the rings got in their way. Yet, some of the men wore their wedding rings. I’ve never taken my wedding ring off. It’s been on my finger for fifty-six years.


WE DIDN’T DO MUCH SIGHT SEEING WHILE IN SEOUL. Why? Well, we had Bible Conference meetings every evening during the week days. Dr. Waite spoke three times every night (including Saturday) on IN DEFENSE OF TRADITIONAL BIBLE TEXTS. His interpreter was our friend, Dr. Dongsoo Jung, who is one of DR. EUM’s assistant pastors at Seoul First Baptist Church. We have known Dr. Jung for at least ten years. He and his wife visit us often when they are in the States. Besides teaching at the church, Dr.Jung teaches full time at INCHEON UNIVERSITY and has a Bible & book translation ministry. He and his committee have translated the Bible into Korean. It is a marvelous project!

ON SUNDAY, PASTOR WAITE TAUGHT SUNDAY SCHOOL, PREACHED IN THE MORNING SERVICE, AS WELL AS TAUGHT FOUR SESSIONS IN THE AFTERNOON INTO THE EVENING. On Saturday afternoon, I gave THE TRIBUTE TO FANNY CROSBY. It was my first experience with an interpreter. It went well. I had to cut the program in half in order not to take more than one hour altogether. I was moved by the beautiful harmonies as the congregation sang Fanny Crosby’s melodies. PASTOR WAITE PREACHED AT THE WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICE AT DR. YUN SEUNG LEE’s BLESSED HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH in another area of Seoul, as well as two sessions with MR. YOUNG MIN KIM at the SEOUL GAS COMPNY on Friday. It was delightful being with Pastor Lee because he and his wife had visited us about six years ago when we first started our BIBLE FOR TODAY BAPTIST CHURCH here in our house. We remember them well and I was so happy to be in his church. I enjoyed the singing immensely. In fact, I sat near the front of the church and could hear the musical sounds of the Korean language singing hymns and gospel songs that I knew in English. So I watched Pastor Lee’s lips and tried to sing Korean with him. It was a spiritual blessing to me. I really can’t explain it. I tried doing this in other services but never had the same feeling as if I were really singing in Korean. I was very touched to learn that Pastor Lee and his church have prayed for us ever since our first meeting years ago here in the States.


THOUGH WE REALLY ENJOY SEEING THE SURROUNDINGS AND HISTORICAL SIGHTS WHILE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY, WE CANNOT RUN HITHER AND YON DURING THE DAY AND STILL GIVE OUR BEST FOR THE PREACHING/TEACHING MEETINGS. (I really wish we could have been there one day longer for sightseeing--but we can’t have everything!) One afternoon, THE EUMS and DEACON OM took us to the GYEONGBOKUNG PALACE. There were many buildings and out-buildings to this magnificent memory of a former life from early Korea. The beauty of it all. As we approached the historic area, I looked around and was struck with the contrast of the past and the present. All about this wonder of a palace were the tall office buildings & skyscrapers of modern Seoul. After walking up a couple flights of long stairs, we peered into the main palace to see manikins of the king and his aids on the throne. Walking about the grounds was most interesting. There was a big banquet building near a large pool of water. It was like a glorified picnic pavilion--but in splendor. I remembered the Bible story of Samson and the feast where he, by brute strength, pulled down the hall’s main pillars. Remember how the whole structure collapsed into dust? Everyone was killed, including Samson (Judges 16:30).

WE MET A MARINE LT. COLONEL AND HIS FAMILY AS WE WALKED THE PALACE GROUNDS. If I remember correctly, he was from New Jersey. Then there was a Korean woman, a stranger, who took a liking to me. She walked with me--sometimes arm-in-arm. I could not understand a word she uttered, but was told that I reminded her of Korea’s first president’s wife, Mrs. Syngman Rhee, who was American born. She kept looking at my hands and touching my face. Later, I asked why she was doing that and what was she saying. The pastor said she was trying to figure out how old I was.


A VERY THRILLING MEETING WAS HELD WITH CHAIRMAN KIM AND HIS SEOUL CITY GAS CO. LTD. ON GAYAN-DONG STREET IN KANGSUH-KU, SEOUL. About one hundred top-level employees were seated in their auditorium. When we walked into the gathering, everyone stood up and clapped. It was as if the President had come into the room. I was impressed! There was a huge banner in English and Korean on the front wall welcoming Dr. Waite. Dr. Waite’s first forty-minute message was a salvation message interpreted by Dr. Jung. I must confess that Dr. Jung’s interpretaton was longer than my husband’s words. But my husband was a good sport and kept within the alloted time frame. After that, Dr. Waite presented his forty-minute teaching on the defense of the King James Bible. Both were power-point presentations. In fact, the power-point was used for all the teachings except the sermons. We were the guests of the Chairman and his Company for lunch and later tea. The Koreans serve tea in beautiful cups. It makes one feel so special!


EARLIER IN THE WEEK, WE MET ANOTHER COUPLE WITH THE NAME OF KIM. They entertained us with a lovely Chinese dinner up on the ninth floor of an exclusive building. We could look out on the lights of that part of the city. Beautiful! Our host was CHUN KEUN KIM. His wife goes by another name, but I can’t keep up with the names. She was a beautiful Christian woman and I enjoyed seeing her working around the church. She was one of the few I knew by name. Her husband works in the recording business. The food was served in little sauce dishes. I soon learned that most of the food served in Korea was in small bowls or plates. It wasn’t unusual to have six or seven of them going at one time. But for the Chinese meal with the Kims and friends, we ate from one little dish until finished and then we were served another little dish of food by a special waitress giving us individual attention.


WHILE I’M TELLING YOU ABOUT THE "KIMS" IN MY LIFE, LET ME INTRODUCE TO YOU THE MANAGER OF Shinil Printing & Trading. He is MR. YOUNG KYOON KIM. JEEONG WHAN DO was the department manager. The president of the company was out of the country. SPT is the name of the printing company in BOOK CITY which is several miles outside of SEOUL, KOREA. That is the printing company that has printed 51,000 DEFINED KING JAMES BIBLES for us. You probably have one, don’t you? It comes in large leather ($40.00+$6.00 S&H) or medium leather ($35.00 + $6,00 S&H) or you can get the large hardback ($20.00 + $6.00 S&H) or medium hardback ($15.00+S&H$6.00).

I WAS EXCITED TO SEE THE WONDERFUL PRINTING PRESSES THAT PRINT OUR BIBLE. SPT is a large, clean, functional printing plant. I was so impressed. I wish all of you could have visited it with the Jungs, Dr. Waite, and me! The company prints Bibles for all sorts of Bible companies--some you would know. But, best of all, as far as I’m concerned, they print our Bible. They were gracious to us, serving us tea and giving us gifts.


ONE EVENING WE ATE IN A LOVELY HOTEL LOBBY AS THE GUEST OF PRINCIPAL SIONE SUH. He was the head of one of those English academies that I told you about where the young people attend classes after day school until ten at night. When Korean food is served at the table, a small charcoal fire is placed there where meat is cooked before our eyes. Then we take some of that cooked meat, which is in thin strips, and we wrap small bits of vegetables around it for good eating. It takes a while to get the hang of it. It takes a long time to eat this way but it is good-eating! Two kinds of Korean food were served to us on two different occasions. One is called KALBI and the other BULGOG. To tell you the truth, I do not know which is which at this writing. I believe one was served with Mr. Suh as our host. Another Korean meal was served after Sunday evening service when we were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Cho. That restaurant was up a long flight of stairs. I recall the stairs because Dr. Waite and I were rather tired out walking by then. He had taught four hours straight--so you can imagine stairs were no reward. Remember I told you the Chos had us over after that Sunday night meal for dessert and tea on the 45th floor of their penthouse. Praise God for elevators! I wish I could explain the food better to you than I am doing; but believe me, it was delicious; and, I came to the conclusion that I liked Korean food very much! It is very healthy!


I WISH THAT I COULD MENTION EVERYONE BUT I CAN’T IN THIS LETTER. BUT MUST MENTION THE "GIGGLE MAN." MR. CHE had a big car! Certain cars and vans are difficult for us to get into. So we were very thankful for the comfort of MR. CHE’s car . He drove us many places--especially back and forth to our guest house and to the airport. His wife, who lived in Japan, just had a baby! Was he ever proud. We enjoyed him and his laughter. He and DEACON OM shopped for me at the market. I wanted a blanket like the one we had in our room. So before we left for the airport, they brought over two blankets and tried to squeeze two into the plastic zippered bag that only had room for one. Well, they giggled and giggled and giggled. I wish that we had it on video. Finally the task was done! Every time I see those blankets, I think of them with a smile.


THAT FRIDAY WAS A BUSY DAY! AFTER SPEAKING AT THE GAS COMPANY AND VISITING BOOK CITY, WE HEADED FOR THE DEMILITARIZED ZONE (DMZ). Because most of our time in Seoul was in the Bible- teaching ministry, we had very few minutes for sightseeing. I wanted to visit the DMZ. We could only go one place that afternoon and that was the place of our choice! But, alas--we spent too much time at the printing plant. When we arrived at the gate to board the buses to see the military zone-the separation between North Korea and South Korea--we were sixteen minutes late. I was disappointed. If only we had known the time the gates closed. If only we had been on the last bus sixteen minutes earlier. I would have gladly hurried. It reminds me of those who plan to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, but wait too long. Alas, many are sixteen minutes too late. I have been struck with the fact that death is always around the corner. Since the TSUNAMI swallowed up thousands of people without warning, I’ve been thinking so much about 2 CORINTHIANS 6:2b "NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME;


Just this week, I’ve learned of the pending death of a fifty-two year old man. His liver is failing him. His son-in-law asked for prayer. Suddenly a woman my age is in intensive care--a breath from dying. She needed by-pass heart surgery but lung complications have been discovered. Another woman told me that her father has cognitive degeneration. He is unsaved. Some criticized her for wanting to tell him of Jesus’ salvation while he could comprehend. I did not! I said, to her, "NOW IS THE TIME!"

Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour?

Have you recognized that He died for your sins? I hope so.

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,

and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead,

thou shalt be saved." (Romans 10:9)

I MUST SAY, WE REALLY APPRECIATED THE LONG DRIVE FROM THE PRINTING COMPANY TO THE DMZ GATE--EVEN THOUGH WE WERE LATE. We drove along the long and straight Liberty Highway as we headed toward the DMZ. On the left side of the road where the river was, there were two strands of barbed wire. In addition, there were evenly-spaced lookout posts rising higher than the ground around them. There were big search lights standing at attention waiting to be flashed out each night over the Hann River. Soldiers were on duty at these posts. We were told that there was a bridge up ahead and that it would be blown up immediately if the North Koreans would strike South Korea. It was "The Bridge of No Return."



PASTOR EUM SAID THAT MY HUSBAND’S BIBLE CONFERENCE WAS THE BEST ATTENDED BIBLE CONFERENCE THAT THE INDEPENDENT BAPTISTS HAVE HAD. Of course this was pleasant to hear. My husband taught his heart out and so did Dr. Jung as the interpreter. By request, my husband , whose talks were very well received, gave a whole session Sunday night on "20 Indictments Against Peter Ruckman & His Teachings." I hope that you get that tape (BFT #3223 @ $4.00+$1.00 S&H). Of course, I trust that you’ll order the Korean King James Bible Conference Tapes also (BFT #3224/1-4 @ $12.00 +S&H). All the messages are both in English and in Korean. This is really an opportunity for Korean Christians to hear this teaching in their heart-language. Dr. Jung, the interpreter, came to see us around the holidays and brought the tapes with him. (We don’t have the videos yet. Sorry.)


SEOUL FIRST BAPTST CHURCH IS ONLY A FEW YEARS OLD. They have about one hundred who attend regularly--including babies and children. MAYBE MORE. Their hearts are knit together in Christ. While we were there, about sixteen or eighteen new pews were delivered. (Four people can sit on a pew.) It’s a good thing, for every seat was taken and chairs were brought in, too. Many visitors! I want to tell you about these pews. They are different--not the seat part, but connected to the seat in front, was a ledge, like a table in front of everyone’s seat. I really liked it. One could put their Bible there or write on a tablet with ease. I’ve never seen pews like that before, have you? Besides the words flashed on a screen in front of the auditorium by our power-point projecter, Dr. Jung had a couple hundred King James Bible Seminar manuals prepared for everyone. It was a very unusual contribution to the students. I wish I had extra books to offer them to you, but we don’t have extras. All the overheads were reproduced on its pages.

I CANNOT CEASE MY WRITING BEFORE I TELL YOU OF OUR DELIGHTFUL VISIT IN THE HOME OF THE JUNGS IN INCHEON. THAT WAS THE AFTERNOON AFTER MY HUSBAND SPOKE AT THE PEDIATRIC HOSPITAL. As I already mentioned, the Koreans live in apartments. Never having lived in one, I am always amazed how much like a house, an apartment is. I guess I am just used to tiny apartments around here . The Jungs have a beautiful place, big rooms, bathrooms, and a lovely kitchen. I was very happy to see ESTHER JUNG. I’ve known her since she was very small. She, too, is Anna’s age. Her two sisters live in Baltimore with relatives where they go to school and the university. HAIMI JUNG served us sweet tea in lovely cups. Serving tea is such a gracious thing to do, you know. I’ll always remember HAIMI stooping down and helping my husband with his shoes. This lovely lady, the wife of a university professor, lowered herself to the floor to help Dr. Waite. What a Christian gesture!


THE OTHER SUNDAY IN OUR AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY, WE DISCUSSED THE WOMAN WHO CAME INTO PHARISEE SIMON’S HOUSE. Jesus was there (Luke 7:36-50). She wept. The woman was a known sinner. Her tears were wet with gratitude. She was by Jesus, the one who forgives sins. It was then that she began to wash his feet with those very tears, using her long hair to wipe away the dirt from the dusty Judean roads. She held a small expensive box of perfume in her hands. Perhaps she was saving it for her own burial. Quickly she broke its seal. Immediately its fragrance filled the room. Eyes were upon her. No longer was she unseen. She did not care. She was used to looks of scorn. Soon those washed feet would be pierced. Soon they would be blood stained.

Without hesitation, the host criticized the uninvited guest. He reminded Jesus that the woman was a sinner. This was not news. Jesus knew. Doesn’t He know everything? Then He spoke of forgiveness--of forgiveness of sin. He contemplated that she, who had been forgiven the most, had the most thankfulness in her heart. It made a poignant point.

Sad to say--the host had forgotten the common courtesy due any guest in those days. Simon had failed to wash Jesus’ feet. He had forgotten to anoint his head. Such washing and anointing was the common practice in New Testament times. Yet, this condemned woman crept behind Jesus as he was eating his meal; and without hesitation, she ministered to him. Though we are not told of Simon’s embarrassment, we can well imagine it. The man had been so eager to eat with Jesus, that he had forgotten his manners. How often you and I forget the common courtesies of the day and rush into life, not noticing another’s need--maybe that of our own husband’s or wife’s. We are too busy with mundane things. But worse still, we leave the Lord of Life Himself unattended as we dash into our daily duties without any thought of serving Him.

IN GOD’S CARE (I Peter 5:6-11)

Yvonne Sanborn Waite


P.S. Why not order my tape on "THE DA VINCI CODE REFUTED"?"--Four Just For Women Radio Programs--$4.00 + $1.00 S&H?

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Newly Added Materials

[ ] #3146VCR, VCR, $15.00, "Dean Burgon Society Women--2003" Newington, CT, 7/23/2003, Yvonne Waite & others.

[ ] #3147VC1-2, VCR, $25.00, "Dean Burgon Society--2003" at Newington, CT, Various Speakers, 7/23-24, 2003.

[ ] #3147/1-5, C, $15.00, "Dean Burgon Society--2003" at Newington, CT, Various Speakers, 7/23-24, 2003

[ ] #3148, 8 lg.pp, 2/$2.00, "Bible Inspiration" For Dean Burgon Society Women by Yvonne S. Waite, 7/23/2003

[ ] #3150, C, $4.00, "Commit Truth to Faithful Men" (2 Timothy 2:1-7) by Daniel S. Waite (July 20, 2003)

[ ] #3151/1-3, C, $9.00, "Defending the King James Bible" at Bible Conference (August 4-8, 2004) by Pastor D. A. Waite

[ ] #3152/1-2, C, $7.00, "Discussing the King James Bible" at Bible Conference (August 4-8, 2004) by Pastor D. A. Waite

[ ] #3153, C, $4.00, "King James Only--What Does It Mean?" by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. (8/17/03) in PA

[ ] #3153, VCR, $15.00, "King James Only--What Does It Mean?" by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. (8/17/03) in PA

[ ] #3154/1-5, C, $15.00, "1 John--Preaching Verse by Verse" by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. at BFTBC (2003)

[ ] #3154/VC1-3, VCR, $35.00, "1 John--Preaching Verse by Verse" by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. at BFTBC (2003)

[ ] #3155, C, $4.00, "The Horror of Harry Potter" on Just For Women Radio by Yvonne S. Waite (10/20/2000)

[ ] #3156, 42 lg.pp., $4.00, "The Book of Revelation" Verses only (printed in large print) by Pastor D. A. Waite

[ ] #3157, C, $4.00, "Bible Versions Examined" By Pastor D. A. Waite Radio Interview by Pastor Ovadal (10/2/03)

[ ] #3158, C, $4.00, "The Broadman-Holman Bible Refuted" Radio Interview over SW Radio Church, with Dr. Waite

[ ] #3159, C, $4.00, "No Confidence in the Flesh" (Philippians 3:1-8) by Pastor D. A. Waite at BBI Chapel 10/20/03)

[ ] #3160, C, $4.00, "Holes in the Holman Bible" at SW Radio Conference by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. 10/23/03)

[ ] #3161TP, C, $4.00, "2 John--Preaching Verse by Verse" by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. at BFTBC (2003)

[ ] #3161VCR, $15.00, "2 & 3 John--Preaching Verse by Verse" by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. at BFTBC(’03)

[ ] #3162, C, $4.00, "3 John--Preaching Verse by Verse" by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. at BFTBC (2003)

[ ] #3163, 8 lg.pp., $2.00, "How Far Will They Go?--GARBC & ABWE" by Dr. David Bennett (November, 2003)

[ ] #3164, C, $4.00, "30 Years a Slave to the Bob Thieme System" Interview by DAW with Vickie from Georgia.

[ ] #3165/1-96, C, $200.00, "Isaiah--Bible Studies Verse by Verse Discussion" by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.

[ ] #3166TP, C, $4.00, "Jude--Preaching Verse by Verse" by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. at BFTBC

[ ] #3166VCR, VCR, $15.00, "Jude--Preaching Verse by Verse" by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. at BFTBC

[ ] #3167, 100 lg.pp., $10.00, "The Fruit of the Spirit--A Bible Study" by Patricia L. Williams, given at DBS Women.

[ ] #3168/1-7, C, $21.00, "Revelation--Taught in Institute Class" at BBI, by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.

[ ] #3168VC1-2, VCR, $25.00, "Revelation--Taught in Institute Class" at BBI, by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.

[ ] #3169/1-22, C, $66.00, "Revelation--Preaching Verse by Verse" by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D., at BFTBC

[ ] #3169VC1-11, VCR, $110.00, "Revelation--Preaching Verse by Verse" by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D., at BFTBC

[ ] #3170,10 lg.pp., $2.00, "The New King James Version Counterfeit" by Terry Watkins. Satanic symbol on cover.

[ ] #3170b, C, $4.00, "Christmas Versus the Bible" by Charles H. Spurgeon & Arthur Pink, read by Canadian reader.

[ ] #3171, C, $4.00, "21 Favorite Gospel Piano Arrangements" by BFTBC pianist, Dick Carroll. (December, 2003)

[ ] #3172, 60 lg.pp., $6.00, "Critics’ Facts Examined" by Michael L. Ford, Th.D. answering Ankerberg & Weldon

[ ] #3173, $75.00, "Bible Version Library" Eight books standing for the KJB and its underlying Words by DAW et al.

[ ] #3174, 12 lg.pp., $2.00, "Homosexuality and the NIV" by David W. Cloud. The details behind this true charge.

[ ] #3175, 8 lg.pp., $2.00, "Dean Burgon News #69 (7/03--2/04) by various Dean Burgon Society members.

[ ] #3176, 4 lg.pp., $2.00, "‘The Passion of the Christ’--Should Believers Go to See it?" by Dr. David C. Bennett

[ ] #3177, C, $4.00, "Defending of the King James Bible" by Pastor D. A. Waite at a NJ church (March 7, 2004)

[ ] #3178, C, $4.00, "When Loss is Gain" (Philippians 3:7-11) by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. at BBI Phila. chapel

[ ] #3179/1-3, C, $9.00, "King James Bible Defended" by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. in WA state church. (3/16/04)

[ ] #3180, C, $4.00, "Defending the King James Bible" by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. in WA state (3/19/04)

[ ] #3181, C, $4.00, "Defending the King James Bible" by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. in WA state (3/19/04)



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For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Romans 10:13

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"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away."
Matthew 24:3

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
Acts 4:12

"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."

1 Corinthians 2:9

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